Asiatic Elephants

Hello friends, welcome to Wildest Safari......... Let's start our journey from Indian Safari Introduction Part India has nearly 90,000 types of animals including over 350 mammals, 1200 bird species and 50,000 species. Many of these are only found on this subcontinent. These include the Asian Elephant, Bengal Tiger, Asiatic Lion, Indian rhino and several types of monkeys. From all these mammals; first we start our safari with largest mammal on the land "An Elephant" ASIAN ELEPHANT List of Contents Physical Characteristics State vies Population Top Sanctuaries/National Parks in India to see the Asiatic Elephants Steps taken by Government to protect the Asian Elephants Physical Characteristics In general, Asian elephants are small in size compare to African elephants and have highest body point on the head. Indian elephants reach a shoulder height of between 2 m to 3.5 m (6.6 to 11.5 ft.), weight betw...