The Living Gold of a Tree - Golden Langur of India

In my previous post, I mentioned about " The Lion of a tree - Lion tailed Macaque monkey " . In this post, we will know about " The Living Gold of a Tree - Golden Langur of India ". Introduction Part Gee's Golden Langur, or simply the golden langur, is an old world monkey found in a small region of Western Assam, India and in a neighbouring foothills of the Black Mountains of Bhutan. It is one of the most endangered primate species of India. Long considered sacred by many Himalayan people , the golden langur was first brought to the attention of the western world by the naturalist E. P. Gee in the 1950s. in a part of Bhutan, it has hybridised with the capped langur. Physical Characteristics The coat of the adult golden langur ranges from cream to golden, on its flanks and chest the hairs are darker and often rust coloured ; the coats of the juveniles and females are lighter, silvery white to light buff. ...