The Heaven Of Wild - Western Ghats Part-1

In the World, the most beautiful and amazing thing is "Our Nature" Nature always balance itself and make things beautiful. If you people are thinking to visit India and wanting to see Indian wildlife and nature beauty then you must visit "The Heaven Of Wild - The Western Ghats" Introduction The Western Ghats, is a mountain rang that runs along the western side of India. The Ghats are older than the Himalayas. It runs about 1600 km, North to South along the western edge of the Deccan Plateau. It is one of the hottest hotspots of biological diversity in the world. In 2006, India applied to the UNESCO MAB for the Western Ghats to be listed as a protected "World Heritage Site". In 2012, the following places are declared as World Heritage Sites. Indira Gandhi Wild life Sanctuary and National Park. Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger reserve. Mudumalai National Park. Mudumalai Tiger reserve. Shend...