The Indian Giant Ape- Hoolock Gibbon

Apes are the closest living relatives to the human being in the animal kingdom. Now, we are going to meet India's only one giant ape - "Hoolock Gibbon" Introduction The hoolock gibbons are three primate species of genus Hoolock in the gibbon family, Hylobatidae, native to eastern Bangladesh, Northeast India and Southwest China. Two species of Hoolock Gibbons, Eastern Hoolock Gibbon and Western Hoolock Gibbon have been reported to occur in India. Physical Characteristics Hoolocks are the second largest of the gibbons, after the siamang. They reach a size of 60 to 90 cm and weight 6 to 9 kg. The sexes are about the same size, but they differ considerably in coloration. Males are black-coloured with remarkable white brows, while females have a grey-brown fur, which is darker at the chest and neck. White rings around their eyes and mouths give their faces a mask-like appearance Rang in India In Northeast India,...