Blind river mammal with smart brain - Indian Blind Dolphin

We all know a name " Dolphin " the most curious and energetic a mammal of sea with smart brain. It is a general belief that the home of dolphin is deep water of see, so it is a creature that adapted to a salty water. "But there is a species of dolphin that adapt fresh river water as its home to live" Introduction Indus River Dolphin is a subspecies of a fresh water river dolphin found in the Indus river of India and Pakistan. This Dolphin was the first discovered side-swimming cetacean. The Indus dolphin does not form easily defined groups who interact. Instead, they are typically found in aggregations. From 1970s until 1998, the Ganges river dolphin and Indus dolphin were regarded as a separate species: however in 1998, their classification was changed from two separate species to subspecies of a single species. Physical Characteristics The Indus Dolphin has the long, pointed nose characteristic of all rive...